EXEL OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 15.9.2004 at 11.15 1 (1)
Exel Oyjs Extraordinary General Meeting decided than an extra
dividend of EUR 0.50 per share be paid for the financial year which
ended on 31 December 2003. The dividend will be paid to shareholders
registered in the Companys shareholder register maintained by the
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd on 20 September 2004. The
dividend will be paid on 27 September 2004.
Mäntyharju, 15 September 2004
Board of Directors
Further information:
Mr Ari Jokelainen, President, tel. +358 50 590 6750
Exel Oyj is a Finnish company specialised in composite technology.
The Groups operations consist of sporting goods and industrial
applications. Exels best-known products include cross-country and
alpine poles, Nordic Walking poles, surfboard masts, floorball clubs
and industrial profiles in general. The Groups six factories are
located in Finland, Germany, Belgium and Spain. Over 80% of
production is exported. In 2003 the Groups net sales totalled EUR
57.3 million. Exel personnel numbers 450. Exels share is listed on
Helsinki Exchanges main list.